Thursday, March 10, 2011

Drama High

I've been embroiled in a little drama of my own making on the homefront. No gory details but I must say the 17 year old girl in me has been making a mess of things. Can I blame it on what I'm reading? Can I blame it on E. Lockhart? No. When I read Rats Saw God I began to believe that I was the main character, Steve York. A 17 year old boy. I even e-mailed the author, the supremely cute Rob Thomas (no, not the one in the band), and told him about it. "Middle Aged Librarian Assumes Identity of Steve York"... Rob wrote back that he was pleased. We had a little e-mail back and forth for a few years. Then he went to Hollywood and became a bigtime screenwriter and his Teen fiction career was over.

But I carry on my malady of becoming the characters I read about. Especially disconcerting when I read teen fiction. Maybe that's why I don't read it that much. It's really only the good books that affect me that way. John Cheever's Letters? I was Cheever for weeks. Maybe I should read something with a highly successful and happy protaganist. Hmmmmmm. But The Librarian of Teens recommended Nothing to Envy: Ordinary Lives in North Korea. So now what? I'm going to start behaving like a North Korean living in an Orwellian world? Oh jeez.

The drama my 17 year old teen self concocted entails electronic communications. I have been seriously acting like a maniac in e-mails, texts, and facebook messaging. I think I've hurt people's feelings. I think I have used my qwerty keyboard for the bad. I'm considering just throwing it all out. Computers, phones, microwave ovens. I can't handle it. Acknowledging that you have a problem is the first step. But then I turn to blogging because there is just so much in my empty head that I have to get out there!!! And since I only have one reader, I can blog till my fingers are blistered and nobody will be hurt or insulted or called a fucked up hipster. Unless I run across a true fucked up hipster that I need to blog about...

Will try to keep it happy, chirpy and positive, which was my original goal here. So here's a happy thing that happened today. When I arrived at work I was actually GLAD TO BE HERE. I felt like I was coming home. It was an amusing way to start the work day since I usually dread the thought of dealing with the public. I think it's a relief to deal with someone else's problems for a while. Thank you library.


librarianista said...

It's hard for me to imagine you acting like a brainwashed North Korean. :)

The Unattractive Houseguest said...

Halfway into the book I don't feel it happening. However, some aspects of communism seem to make odd sense to me... if only it could work...