Sunday, February 6, 2011

But I'm a Librarian!!!!!

Recently I met a fellow at a local bistro while treating myself to a yummy dinner. We exchanged info and friended on Facebook. Made a few attempts to get together but it didn't work out. Until the other night when he asked if I wanted to go to the bistro again on Friday. I was all stoked for good food, a nice guy, a chance to have a normal (what I thought was a) "date".

So it seemed we had a pretty nice time. When the bill came I thought I should chip in... was it a date or not? And if it was a date should I expect him to foot the bill? No. In fact he seemed pretty intent on figuring out how to split the tab. Being in the last stretch of my available cash till payday, I paid for my share of food and wine, which was about 40 bucks roughly. The total tab with tip came to $120. Not exactly sure how or why it was so much. I think he was drinking the good stuff and I was just drinking the house chard.

Whatever. I should have just split it with him and left it at that. At parting, I gave him a hug and told him next time I'd repay him. Seemed relatively okay with me.

As a follow up the next day I sent a friendly message on facebook with a little joke about how I semi-stiffied him. Yes I said STIFFIED. A little sexual innuendo. Funny? Apparently not. He replied that yes, he did feel stiffed and shouldn't have been left with 75% of the bill and remind him next time to go dutch. OUCH.

I don't think there will be a next time. I'm all for equality and equity and blah blah blah. Just because I'm a part time librarian and he is a full time worker in a well paid position doesn't mean I should assume he would take the brunt of the bill. But was his response to my message warranted? Couldn't he just have said "Yep, next time you pick up the tip"....... or something a little less irritating? I guess the dude don't do fat chicks after all. Not even if I am a LIBRARIAN!!!! I thought my near sainthood status was good for a few drinks at least! Wrong again crazy library lady. Wrong again......

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