Saturday, January 29, 2011


One post in 2007 and two in 2008. That there's some major blogging I got going on. My other blog over at wordpress got shut down because it was causing major depression in the western hemisphere and parts of China. It was just depressing. Now I read coworkers' blogs and they are all chirpy and cheerful and funny and I wonder: why not me? I can do that. So nothing but fun stuff here, buddy. Nosiree I will not blog about my depressing social life, my drastically catastrophic economic situation, my walrus size ass, my cold damp apartment with its black mold, my daughter's adolescent ragings or that guy. The one who I blogged to death over at wordpress. He's gone. Yay! In fact, I have no men problems at all. I have no man. And I am happy with that.

What I will blog about is stuff like my dogs, my job, my friends, my family, my cat and any other good stuff I can come up with. Probably an occasional rant will surface but hey.... that's just unavoidable.

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